By St. George's Caye Resort on Thursday, 21 November 2019
Category: Adventures + Tours

Make St. George's Caye Your Excuse - To Relax

Have you ever noticed that after some vacations... you need another vacation just to decompress? We heard recently from a perspective guest who was shocked at our difference or the uniqe quality of St. George's Caye Resort. She said, "I travel all the time and I have not really found a place where our goal could be to do nothing. That sounds so refreshing. What a difference." 

It is rare in this day and age to find time to sit still. Expecially without a device and social media keeping you constantly engaged, with seldom a silent moment. 

For decades, studies have shown a direct correlation between time for relaxation and both mental and physical health.

The University of Michigan Medical School recomends some actions to take to reduce stress and fully relax. Bring these techniques with you and we will create the perfect enviromnet to try them out! 

Take slow, deep breaths. Or try other breathing exercises for relaxation. Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation

Do yoga. You can get books and videos to do at home or take a yoga class. Stress Management: Practicing Yoga to Relax

Practice mindful meditation. The goal of mindful meditation is to focus your attention on things that are happening right now in the present moment. For example, listen to your body. Is your breathing fast, slow, deep, or shallow? Do you hear noises, such as traffic, or do you hear only silence? The idea is just to note what is happening without trying to change it. Stress Management: Doing Meditation

Learn more about our relaxation packages at St. George's Caye Resort

St. George's Caye Resort is found 7-miles from main-land Belize City. Complimentary transfers are made by boat and once you have landed at BZE International Airport, your valet will have you on the island in just about 30 minutes. Offering an array of adventure, romance, relaxation and SCUBA excursions, this resort is acclaimed for pristine reefs, seclusion and the ability to do as much or as little as one wishes.

Email for more information at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call our friendly US based reservation line at +1-507-380-9344 or toll free at 1-800-814-8493. See all of the beautiful information at

Hope to see you in the sun very soon! 

-Your St. George's Caye Resort Team

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